If you remember from an earlier post, I read "The Three Little Pigs" to the kids and they loved it. They loved to huff and puff while I read the story. Well, lucky me, I happened to find a great set of "The Three Little Pigs" wooden puppets (with scenery!) when I was shopping one day and couldn't wait to share them with the kids! They had so much fun with them! Did I mention that they were marked down to $3!!! What a steal! I clutched the box to my chest and dashed to the checkout lanes......just kiddin'! Okay, maybe not, but anyway, the kids had fun pretending that they were the three pigs and the wolf.
Notice the wolf knocking at the front door of the brick house! Not by the hair of our chinny-chin- chins chorused the pigs!
Can you guess what character Garrett was pretending to be? He was really huffing and puffing!
After our puppet play we had an Easter egg hunt in the family room! So many eggs, only two hands! The kids were SOOO good about sharing and finding eggs for each other. They are so sweet! Of course, we COUNTED all of the eggs.
Oops! I forgot to rotate this picture! We played "Elefun" to get those little bodies moving. For those of you who are not familiar with this game the children get a net and have to try to catch the butterflies that float out of the elephant's trunk. Sounds easier than it is! They stretch and reach, dash and swoop in their attempt to snag a butterfly. I can hardly wait until we can get outside and run through the backyard chasing real butterflies!